Police Department

BPD Patch

104 Church Street / PO Box 6, Brooklet Georgia 

Office:  (912) 842-9911

If you are witnessing a crime in progress or are experiencing an emergency,
please dial 911.

For Non-Emergency calls:  (912) 764-8888


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The Brooklet Police Department is a fully P.O.S.T. Certified Agency.
The Brooklet Police Department serves the citizens of the City Limits.  


City of Brooklet Police Department Mission Statement

The Brooklet Police Department's mission is to provide fair, impartial, and excellent law enforcement service to our community. To that end, we pledge to pursue the highest level of training and education available and to offer our community the highest level of professionalism to the best of our ability.

Police reports

Police Reports can be obtained in person by visiting the Brooklet Police Department,
104 Church Street, Brooklet, Georgia 30415

Or Call:  (912) 842-9911

To pay a citation

Pay in person at City Hall, 140 Church Street, Brooklet, GA 30415.

Online Payments are available for TRAFFIC Citations by clicking the button below:  


Phone Payment for Traffic Citations are available by calling (678) 359-2783 



Contact Info

Michelle Reolegio
Chief of Police
104 Church Street/PO Box 6 Brooklet, GA 30415
Office: 912-842-9911 Cell: 912-667-4027
[email protected]

Lisa Tollison
Police Records / Court Clerk
[email protected]

Justin Odom
104 Church Street/PO Box 6 Brooklet, GA 30415
[email protected]

Nickki Garman
104 Church Street/PO Box 6 Brooklet, GA 30415
[email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I pay a traffic ticket?

Traffic citations are paid at Brooklet City Hall, 104 Church Street

Pay online -  Pay Now

Or, you can pay by phone: (678) 359-2783.

Where do I pay a Parking Ticket?

Parking tickets are paid at City Hall, 104 Church Street, Brooklet GA 30415

I am going on vacation. How do I let the police know I will be away?

Fill out a House Check Request Form found on this page. Officers will periodically check your business or residence while you are away.

Can I ride a Golf Cart or other Personal Vehicle in Brooklet?

Golf Carts are legal on the city streets in Brooklet, provided they meet the following:   "Any motor vehicle: (i) with a minimum of four wheels; (ii) capable of a maximum level ground speed of less than 20 mph; (iii) with a maximum gross vehicle unladen or empty weight of 1,375 pounds; and (iv) capable of transporting not more than eight persons.

Operators must have a valid driver's license on their person.

Operators must abide by the same rules of the road as other drivers.

For more information, see City Ordinance Chapter 46, ARTICLE II. - PERSONAL TRANSPORTATION VEHICLES

How do I apply to be a police officer in Brooklet

We are currently only accepting POST Certified police officer applications. If you are POST Certified, you may apply by filling out an APPLICATION and bringing it in person to the Brooklet Police Department. If your application is accepted, you will be contacted for an interview.